I decided to give this challenge a go - it wasn't as easy as I thought at first, but then I could list lots of lovely things!
1. Fresh laundry and a newly made bed with fresh pjs
2. A hot cup of Yorkshire Tea with a splash of milk http://www.yorkshiretea.co.uk/#/proper_brew
3. Brown Paper packages tied up with string - ie anything that comes through the post that is sewing related!
5. Musical Theatre - Phantom of the Opera, Les Mis, Hairspray, Chicago - I love 'em all and the camper, the better! Too expensive to take a trip up to London so I usually get the cd / dvd for sewing along to.
What are your favorite things? Take up Lauren's challenge and brighten your day.
Must dash, I do have some sewing to do before work this afternoon! Have a good day all.